Custom marketing cloud solution

Here a demo of a solution I created, to showcase the power of sever side Java script (SSJS & WSProxy & Ampscript).

The purpose of the solution is to make BAU task easy within a few clicks and without needing to navigate salesforce marketing cloud.

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custom marketing cloud solution  - create data extension with ssjs

Step 1 - Data extension creation.

On the video your see that the first step is to use the form to name the solution, but it’s important to note here that this name is inherited over the next 3 steps.

The purpose here is to have a predetermined data scheme that can be used for a BAU regular business use.

As many marketing cloud user would know creating a data extension can be easy but keeping the naming consistent and navigating to the right folders can take time to build a robust process.

This is why this custom marketing cloud solution has been built to keep everything named consistent throughout then saved into the correct folders.

custom marketing cloud solution  - Automatic Query creation ssjs

Step 2 - Query build

The video shows that on step two the query has automatically been built, On this step we have the logic programmed with the necessary data extensions and fields to make the query validate in this marketing cloud instance.

But here we use the solution name in step 1 to build the process and logic for the data query so that the BAU staff does not need to know SQL or marketing cloud but still keep this part of their task flawless & within there process.

This will stop human error and speed up the process, without any marketing cloud knowledge.

custom marketing cloud solution  - create a Automation with SSJS

Step 3 - Automatic automation creation

In the 3rd step we automatically create the automation with associated sql query and run schedule.

As we seen on the other steps the name of the program is inherited and will create the naming for the automation and it will have the sql query in place so your BAU staff do not need to navigate and create the sql query and find the data extension.

Copying and building the automation is not the hardest task for an experienced admin or BAU marketing cloud staff, but it is a time consuming, Also could contain a risk factor!

The risk factor is that the sql query is wrong or we select the incorrect data extension or the wrong data saving method, so a tool like this gives the ability to created semi advanced automations without risk as all the steps are programed to only follow the program. steps with the name we input.

custom marketing cloud solution - SSJS Journey Creation

Step 4 - Creating the journey

The Final step here is to create the journey, this step is less advanced as here we want the admin or BAU marketing cloud staff to have the ability to choose how they want their journey work.

The important point here is that the journey naming is the same as all the other steps and it will be as it is inherited from the prior steps.

Here we have prepared the entry type to make sure the program work with the data that we would be querying from the steps we prepared in step 2 and step 3.

This type of program is designed for BAU speed and consistency of process on a semi advanced program if your not used to marketing cloud or that you had to many mistakes within BAU proccess.

Need help building a solution like this

use the contact form below.