Salesforce marketing cloud developer.

As a Independent Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer I have the experience you need without the agency or recruitment prices.

My goal is the work with customers who need a marketing cloud developer who is want to get stuck in and produce quality work.

I do this with a dedicated focus and skill set that is tailored to marketing cloud development.

Please do feel free to contact me Mark Hewington AKA emailgeek.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer - I am Mark Hewington a certified marketing cloud developer

My skill set as a marketing cloud developer

Here are the fundamental skill I use use daily to help support my clients projects, these skill are focused on getting the right solution for the client.

SSJS script

Server-Side JavaScript

By leveraging SSJS, I can extend the capabilities of Marketing Cloud.

SQL for markeitng cloud


SQL query activity is used to execute queries and retrieve data for reporting or segmenting audiences.

Email Studio

Email studio

This tool helps users create personalized email marketing campaigns, reusable content blocks & Segment plus much more.

Automation studio

Automation studio

Used to implement complex, multi-step marketing campaigns and data management tasks on a scheduled or triggered basis.



AMPscript is a powerful scripting language that you can use across emails, landing pages, SMS and push notifications created in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.



Allows me to create a real-time experience for contacts or clients to use data to power solution for journeys or tooling.

Email HTML

Email HTML

Content builder ready email templates tested on 90+ email clients, these templates are marketing cloud ready and implemented into your account.

Journey Builder cloud icon

Journey Builder

Create and manage a variety of responsive, automated, multi-channel marketing campaigns, including: Welcome campaigns for new customers who subscribe or opt-in.

Cloud page icon

Cloud Pages

CloudPages combines the best of Marketing Cloud Engagement to capture, organize, and act on prospect data.

Nasa rest API project

This project is my version of a Nasa API Call to Content.

1. Use a Rest API Call to gather the Data from the Nasa API to use within Marketing Cloud.

2. Insert the Nasa API data in a Data Extension to use later in the project.

3. Use an AMPScript Lookup to provide the AMP Script loop with the data it needs to power dynamic content.

4. The content is display to the Salesforce landing page for a blog update version.

5. Automation that runs daily to use the API script to update daily content.

This project concept could be used for a daily or weekly blog or for a weekly or monthly newsletter.

This project was built as a proof of concept to show a client the power of rest API and AMP Script to automate some manual tasks.

Nasa AMPscript and Rest API solution

Salesforce marketing cloud solutions

Here we have screenshot of project key elements to show the competency use when building this solution, should you want a live demo please do contact me here or on LinkedIn.

Below I will demonstrate some of the skill set I possess like (Rest API Call, AMPscript Lookup & Loops, Automation, API Data written into a data extension).

AMPscript Lookup table

Salesforce marketing cloud data handling

Most solutions if not all of them will have a data requirement, and how you process the data is important. Check out Nasa Solution Demo

Here I have collected the data from the nasa api and written this into a data extension.

This data will be used in both the dynamic email campaign or landing page.


Salesforce marketing cloud automation

With this automation we are clearing and archive the nasa data in the SQL step.

In the next step I am using SSJS to call the Nasa api in an automated configuration.


SKU ordering project

This project based on a data intelligence providing a product feed for customer to be recommended a product

1. AMP Script data lookup that check to see if SKU are recommended to the subscriber.

2. Picks the top 3 matching SKUS Based on recommended SKUS

3. If none match the AMP Script picks the next top 3 that match the product feed.

4. AMP Script Selects the type of layout that will be display dependent on the matching SKUS or recommended SKUS.

When building this solution, the focus was making sure this could be rolled out quickly and all scenarios was met.

This was advanced AMP Script that allowed any scenarios to be supported and robust testing was needed, and the client was extremely happy with the end result.

Dynamic content Salesforce Marketing cloud